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Submissions Guidelines:
Submitted materials are considered for print and online editions and accepted contributions will be pressed in print or online due to aesthetic distinction solely. Online submissions via attachment sent by email to pvr@unk.edu are preferred. We consider prose pieces (up to 7,500 words), up to six poems (group them in the submission in one file, please), translations (including English versions), up to thirty pages of script or excerpts of longer works. All submissions must be previously unpublished. Simultaneous submissions are allowed, yet authors must withdraw submissions immediately if published elsewhere prior to PVR decision. Payment, when available, is in contributor copy of published work. Please email pvr@unk.edu for any additional questions rather than editors' direct email addresses. Copyright is retained by author per acceptance contract. Translators are entirely responsible for pre-authorization of use for publication. WE READ SUBMISSION DURING OPEN CALLS. NEXT CALL TO BE ASSIGNED.